Neighborhood Watch

What is Neighborhood Watch?

Neighborhood Watch (NHW) is a crime prevention program put on by the Shenandoah County Sheriff’s Office that provides citizens with information on how to identify and report suspicious activity in their neighborhoods.

Neighborhood Watch creates a sense of community and security amongst that community as well as reducing the fears of crime.

Where are groups located?

Shenandoah County currently has 9 active Neighborhood Watch groups that meet once a month.

The neighborhoods who have active Neighborhood Watch groups are:

  • Lebanon Church (Lebanon Lutheran Church, 10120 Middle Road)

  • Cedar Creek (Cedar Creek Community Center, 6211 Zepp Road)

  • Mt. Olive (Mt. Olive United Methodist Church, 12180 Back Road)

  • Maurertown (Maurertown Brethren Church, 24916 Old Valley Pike)

  • Edinburg (Edinburg Town Hall, 101 Town Hall Ave)

  • Conicville, Orkney Grade, Jerome (combined group)- Conicville Fire Department (763 Conicville Road)

  • New Market- Mt. Zion Lutheran Church (1600 Ridge Road)

  • Each Neighborhood Watch meeting is informative about the calls for service that have occurred in each specific neighborhood.

  • There is a guest speaker at each meeting to update the community on different topics related to current trends in our specific locality.

How to join?

If you would like to have a Neighborhood Watch group in your neighborhood, please contact the Captain of Support Services at (540) 459-6100.