Environmental Safety

Controlled Burning

Prior to any burning, contact the Shenandoah County Communications Center to report the location of the burn at (540) 459-6101

Obtain a burning permit here.

Hiking Safety

Know your Limits:

  • What’s your experience and fitness level?

  • How much equipment, food, and water can you carry comfortably in a backpack?

  • Have you ever hiked in this type of environment before?

  • Are you hiking alone or are you hiking with a friend?

  • Can you hike higher elevations?

Plan Your Hike:

  • Pick the right trail for your group.

  • Leave a trip plan, what trail you are going on, who is with you and when you expect to return with a friend.

  • Have an emergency plan in case someone needs medical assistance while on hike.

  • Have a way to communicate and make sure cellular devices are fully charged

  • Be ready for the weather!

What to Bring:

  • Water and food to get you through the hike and an extra day’s supply just in case.

  • Bug spray, first aid kit, GPS, water filtration and purification equipment, proper shoes or hiking boots.

  • Sleeping bag, tent, backpack, extra food and safe storage container for overnight hikes

Hike Smart:

  • Let the slowest hiker set the pace

  • Ask a Ranger

  • Keep Track of your time and distance

  • Yield to uphill hikers

  • Take breaks often

  • Eat snacks and drink water

  • Take your time and watch your step

  • Stay away from rapid waters and slippery slopes

  • Spray for mosquitos and check for ticks

  • Stay on your trail

  • Be aware of wildlife

Information provided by the National Park Service